According to Fiqh E Jaferia…..
A gift from Allah to the Muslim Ummah; an expression of and a lesson in understanding the Oneness of Allah (swt); a way to remember the heart-wrenching events of the very short life of the daughter of the Prophet; the ascension (Mer’aj) for a true believer; an adornment for our Salat; better than 1,000 rak’at of accepted Salat; the way to manifest the act of ‘remenbering Allah (swt) much’; a means by which one’s scale of good deeds is made heavier; a way of attaining the pleasure of Allah (swt); a way to ensure worthiness of entering into Paradise; and a form of dhikr (remembrance) of Allah (swt). The narrations from the A’immah (as) in regards to the tasbih are numerous and within them, these great personalities have instructed their followers to recite the tasbih at all time. In one of his words of wisdom, Imam Muhammad ibne “Ali al-Baqir (as) has stated: “Allah has not been worshipped with anything greater than the tasbih of Fatima Zahra which is recited after every Salat, since if there was anything else better than this, than indeed the Prophet would have granted that to his daughter, Fatima Zahra.”
The Tasbih of Fatima Zahra (AS) P/B
The Tasbih of Fatima Zahra (AS) P/B
A gift from Allah to the Muslim Ummah; an expression of and a lesson in understanding the Oneness of Allah (swt); a way to remember the heart-wrenching events of the very short life of the daughter of the Prophet; the ascension (Mer’aj) for a true believer; an adornment for our Salat; better than 1,000 rak’at of accepted Salat; the way to manifest the act of ‘remenbering Allah (swt) much’;
- Paperback
- Publisher: Islamic Humanitarian Services (2006)
- Package Dimensions: 5.4 x 5.4 x 0.2 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.5 ounces
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